Charles Mingus
Day 68
#5 – Louis Charles Mingus Jr. (1922–1979). American jazz double bassist, composer and bandleader. Albums include: Blues and Roots (1959), Mingus Ah Um (1959) and The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady (1963).
Whilst researching I came across this quote attributed to Mingus and really wanted to try and use it – but how could I link it with the man and his music? It was whilst taking a walk I realised the sound hole on the double bass looked like an abstract ‘S’ – ‘S’ for simplicity. I experimented for sometime with cropping in close to the double bass but in the end – in the interests of simplicity – removed everything else just leaving the shape. The brown gradient helped link back to the instrument and splitting the type either side helped emphasise the message.
2 hours
to excerpts from ‘The Black Saint and The Sinner Lady’